Red Solo Cup of Misery

AO: Firehouse

When: 11/02/2021

QIC: Lightweight

PAX (7): Ace Ventura, Dunshire, LifeLøck, Lightweight, Sirmixalot, Stu, Suarez


Ace Ventura showed up early to plant the flag.


Lightweight drove to set up the cups, but he was late starting so there was a long warmup run.


Mosey down to the lower parking lot (the “old warmup spot” seems to be a distant memory).

Side straddle hops

Weed pickers

Several variations of sun gods

Split leg stretches

The Thang:

PAX partnered up.

Each team would run to a group of cups, and pick one which had an exercise and a movement. After the exercise, PAX would perform the movement (sprint, lunge, Bernie Sanders) to the next set up cups while paying a toll of 5 burpees.


After this cups collected and returned to the flag for Mary.


Sixth man went to Stu since he was a first time visitor to the Firehouse.

MOC delivered by Suarez, who reminded us that we need to be cognizant of people and what they may be suffering with internally.

Prayer and picture.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Coffeteria was had.

Never regretted getting up early and exercising then having fellowship.

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