Sufficiently Sucky

AO: The Grindstone

When: 04/26/2021

QIC: Zohan

PAX (17): Cookie, Hushpuppy, Deuce, Whiz, Inseam, False Start, Swiper, Snowman, Hard drive, 5 Way, Pink Nightmare, Sculley, McDuff, Clyde, Schneider, Spit Valve, Zohan


I was planning to come today to see Snowman taking the Grindstone’s Site Q role and so grubbed the Q once I noticed the chatter on slack. I followed the HCs on slack and knew I wasn’t alone in my respect and admiration to Snowman and the transformation he went through.

Perfect weather this morning, a bit chilly (easily fixed) and no rain. Many cars were already parked by the time I arrived and a few more came after me as well.



Disclaimer was called out and we moseyed through the parking lot. Found a nice area to circle up and started with SSH.

After 10 SSHs done in normal cadence, YHC picked up the pace, then again and again, going through lightspeed, to ludicrous speed and to plaid. 40 in total.

After a moment to catch their breath we continued with Weed pickers and squats.



The Thang:

YHC directed the PAX to pick up a coupon from one of the two nearby piles but then leave the coupons on the side for later and we moseyed to the center of the 4 big baseball fields. From that center there are 4 pathways going between the fields, 2 of them short and 2 long (one of which we came through).

We circled up and YHC explained there are 4 exercises to be done, one at each end of a pathway.

On the long end we came from – No Surrenders, alpha count, holding the coupon overhead.

On one short end – Hand-Release-Release Merkins, Alpha Count (IPC is the gift that keeps on giving).

On the other short end – Absolutions. A painful combination of Groiner, Makhtar and low Plank Jack.

On the other long end – Yawzah. 1 Burpee followed by 4 single count Bonnie Blairs (Credits go to Boomer who introduced this).


Round 1 – very simple – 10 of each, air chair for the six.

Round 2 – PAX were concerned I’ll increase the count, but YHC is merciful. Sort of. 8 of each, but added 10 Donkey Kicks when coming back from each end for the total of 40 Donkey Kicks. Added LBCs for the 6.

Round 3 – 6 of each, no Donkey Kicks, but the two Short Ends should be Bear Crawled. As YHC came back from the 4th end and heard the LBCs called out again he realized he’s the 6 this time. Guess the bear crawls got me.

Keeping eye on the watch we moseyed back to return the coupons to their rightful resting place and back to the flag.



A lot was said. A lot is going on.

Blood Drive on May 27th

Support the PAX in Chimbote

Convergence on May 8th

NLB workout in their campus on May 8th (4pm)

A 2nd F with CPR class is being organized

Naked-Man Moleskin:

After the COT Whiz passed the flag to Snowman. Words were said. Bonds reconfirmed. Enough inspiration to go around.

Really appreciate the opportunity to lead and to be part of this group!

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