A Fresh Batch!
AO: Caney Creek
When: 04/14/2021
QIC: Pitstop
PAX (10): Ha-Ha, Stroller, Bullet, G-String, Airbrush, Woodpecker (FNG), Chevy (FNG), Sand Flea, Rattletrap
On the previous Saturday at the Bound we had a few participants for the monthly workout. But the afterparty (dinner) was very fruitful as the NLB pax were in serious recruiting mode. FNGs Cary & Evan committed to coming to Caney Creek on wednesday, and G-String (who had fallen away a bit) said he would come back. Rattletrap continues to take the leadership role and committed to prepping the driver to be READY in the morning. Based upon past history however I set my expectations low but hopes high.
Traditionally YHC is coming in on two-wheels on Wednesdays, but was a little earlier this week. Surprise surprise – the van was already there and the guys were ready! 3 pax + 7 NLBs was a HUGE turnout for this group, and we launched into the workout.
Rattletrap reported that all of the guys got up on their own, and were running around trying to wake each other up. Love the energy!
A run to the street, and rounds of SSH, Imp Walkers, Weed Pickers, and Hillbillies.
We also discussed the AED that is now a part of my truck, showed where it is located, and talked about it’s use.
The Thang:
- Curb Circles – 1 round =
- n irkins
- n offset merkins
- n dirkins
- n other-side offset merkins
- Begin n=1, then n=n+1, end n=5 .
- Dora
- 100 squats
- 200 dips
- 300 LBCs
- Indian Run
- Jack Webbs – 1 Overhead Press: 4 curls and increase. Finished on the 8th set due to time.
- FNGs got named:
- Cary = “Chevy”
- Evan = “Woodpecker”
- Prayers for:
- New guys arriving at NLB – this is always a concern for Rattletrap
- Garrett (“Hamburglar”) just graduated NLB but got T-boned in a car wreck and has broken vertebra. He is discouraged and obviously hurt.
- The NLB Program Director has left for a new job. Prayers as they try to find a new one.
INTERNAL: Also a reminder that we have 2 groups to cater to at this event: The new guys who physically weakened from detox or years of substance abuse and are very un-fit. They can SERIOUSLY suck wind and hurl merlot. Second, the guys farther into the program who are getting fitter and want a bigger challenge. It’s tough to account for everyone, and we don’t want to reduce the challenge, but I do think we need to keep that first group always in mind.