Meanwhile at the Hall of Justice
AO: Hall of Justice
When: 01/11/2021
QIC: Homer
PAX (15): Hanson, Slump (FNG), Radar, Seeya (FNG), YouTube, Long Haul, Smoked (FNG), ISS, Nomad, StiffArm, Val, Puff Daddy, Sleepless, Gilligan, Homer
Second week at the Hall of Justice. Knew that there were some FNGs coming. Was confident that we’d see 1 or 2 of week 1 FNGs. Knew that throwing out too much from the F3 Lexicon at once is like drinking from a firehose, so I wanted to plan a workout that would be challenging enough for all. I also wanted to get off the Town Green for the majority of it. There are so many out and back locations from the Hall of Justice. There’s lots of construction, so future Q’s need to be aware of making it safe and keeping this large group of wide ability PAX together.
Also, I started out with a good disclaimer of not knowing abilities or fitness levels. You know you. Modify where necessary, you won’t be left behind. Don’t sue me.
For Warm Up, we short mosey’ed to the backside of the stage and immediately, YHC discovered this HAS to be the place for future warmups. The surrounding buildings make for acoustical pleasure while calling cadence, and the spacing is large enough for a big group to spread out.
We started with Side Straddle Hop, Weed picker, Windmill, and Moroccan Night Club.
YHC announced that we’d be crossing the road and to stay safe and watch while crossing.
The Thang:
There appears to be a playground being built beside the Police station. “Station Park” looks to have some future opportunities for a few pull up bars and some other equipment. Right now it is under construction, as is the direct path that will lead to the tunnel which goes under rail road tracks to the Suwanee Library. Thankfully, I scouted out and figured how to traverse around some buildings to get there. I wonder what the Suwanee Police thought of 15 men running toward them in the dark as we headed to the tunnel. Guess we don’t look too menacing and actually do look like we’re out doing good!
We eventually ended up in the parking lot beside the library. GREAT location for lots of fun things. Future Q’s… make sure you take note of the steps to the library. Future opportunities there as there is LOTs of space.
Thang 1
YHC explained that we’d be doing a DORA. Partner up. We did this in week one, but perhaps I explained it a little better this morning. As a team of 2, we’d do a total of 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, and 300 Squats. Partner A would work out, while Partner B ran the short circle around some parking lot islands. Flip Flop.
Again, I want to help future Qs to remember that the Lexicon is VAST… Most folks know what a pushup is. Just make sure you explain that we call them Merkins. Explain and Demonstrate. Accelerate your leadership while Q’ing.
After the DORA, I requested 1 partner from each group to follow me around the corner to a small rock pile that I had discovered during some recon. These coupons are definitely on the small size from some I’ve seen around the nation, but worked great for this morning (and I’ve already discovered some other piles for the future.) We grabbed a coupon for ourselves and our partner and returned to the parking lot while VAL had led the remaining PAX through some American Hammer and Alternating Shoulder Taps.
Thang 2
I explained that we’d be doing 11’s. We each spread out across the parking lot, with our coupons, on sidewalk nearest the library. 11s are a simple addition to a beatdown. Pick 2 exercises (I chose curls and skull crushers.) Perform 1 rep, traverse to point B (other side of parking lot) and perform 10 reps. Traverse the lot again, 2 curls, traverse and do 9 skull crushers. Continue this until you’ve done 10 of the curls and 1 skull crusher. The parking lot was short for the traversing part, and the coupons were small enough that a good Cusack carry was in order. Definitely heard some mumblechatter from the PAX after walking around with a rock over your head for 10~ minutes.
Once done, as a group we returned the rocks right where we found them, and then started an Indian Run back toward town green. Reminder to future Qs and PAX to remember to pick up the six.
After safely crossing back over Buford Highway, Long Haul and I found the PAX assembled on the stage and were into some mary. We did some Freddy Mercury, Gas Pumper, Freddy Mercury again, box cutters, Dying Cockroaches, Monkey Humpers and yes… Pickle Pointers. YHC may have missed something in there, but good times had by all.
During COT, I reviewed the mission of F3 to plant, grow and serve small workout groups to build male leadership. Part of F3 is learning how to follow a leader into unexpected situations. We as men don’t tend to follow leaders well and we don’t have the opportunities to LEARN how to lead either. F3 helps us to be better leaders and to recognize leaders and come along beside them and do work… all while bringing others alongside us.
I also reviewed and explained the five core principles:
F3 workouts …
- Are free of charge
- Are open to all men
- Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
- Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary.
- End with a Circle of Trust
Name-o-rama: Welcome Slump, Smoked, and Seeya
F3 is not a cult and it is not a Bible study. We are here to get right, so that we can serve our communities better. We need other men in our lives, because we can learn from each other and sharpen each other.
We took a knee and prayed for our families and our nation.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I have no doubt that this AO is going to thrive and become a definite destination for downrange PAX once travel gets going again. It’s going to be exciting to watch. Already you can see some bonds forming in the Fellowship area. Feel like some Coffeeteria could be easily implemented to continue to accelerate that fellowship.
To those who happen upon this back blast because you’re curious about what F3 is and why we’re so passionate about the Male Leadership thing…
We recognize that we as men need to do more. We also recognize as men, that leadership has no gender qualifications. We are men who come from all walks and have no religious affiliation. This is not an exclusive club or special interest group. We get together so that we can Get Right, Live Right, Lead Right and Leave Right. The world does not revolve around us, and it needs all of us to contribute and serve.
Men need other male relationships in their lives, because too often, we do life on our own. F3 is a solution to a lot of problems that already exist, but more-so, it prepares us to see the world around us, and the problems that exist within it, so that we can be Servant Leaders.
Men, See you in the Gloom!