Pull-up Beatdown

AO: Bad Apple

When: 08/28/2020

QIC: Brutus

PAX (6): Brutus, Rusty, Goat, Swamp Donkey, Alamo, Chalupa


I was planning on making a tough workout before our weekly Murph.


Side Straddle Hop 15x

Weed Pickers 15x

Imperial Walkers 15x

The Thang:

Started off with a count off of 2s. I you were a two then you would be the group that had to mosey first and it you were a one you would stay where you were. Group two runs to the pull-up bar and does a mini morning call with 5 pull-ups and the others are doing push-ups. Group one does an exercise at the beginning with plates and when group two is done they mosey back and switch, this is done for 5 rounds. The group that stays at the start does:

Skull Crushers


Reverse LBCs

Overhead press

American Hammers


After this we did elevens until time. In the elevens we had dips (oh bleachers) and leg raises (on pull-up bars) but we had group 2 start with the leg raises and group 1 start with dips to prevent a backed up line at the pull-up bar. And again this is done until time.


We prayed for the schools and for some members of the group and their job situations

Naked-Man Moleskin:

We figured out the Goat had ate many things that I didn’t even think were edible like monkey, Tarantula, dog, and some other weird things. I don’t even remember how this convo started.

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