BDay Beatdown

AO: The Wreck

When: 07/10/2020

QIC: Juul

PAX (13): Squeege, Yankee, Backside, Tubbs, Ozzy, Meltdown, OneCall, Khakis, Cutie, White Claw, Bear, Drenched (FNG)


FNG Drenched set the bar for FNGs with a pre-run to the Wreck and then a post-BD run home. YHC also notes that Wickerberry is taking over the Wreck with 6 FNG additions in 2020. Disclaimer delivered.


Mosey to the big parking lot for 15 SSH’s, 15 windmills, and 15 hillbillies. Then everyone’s favorite jog over to strategically select a coupon.

The Thang:

Wanted to try a new move today but it was quickly made apparent that it might damage the field, so modifications were necessary.

PAX partnered up with their coupons along the goal line. While one partner carried the rock to the 50 yard line and then backwards ran with it to the goal line, the other partner did the workouts. Collectively we did 100 bent-over-rows w/ coupon, 200 merkins, and 300 curls w/ coupons. Groups in the lead went for extra credit with coupon squats while waiting on the 6.

Next engagement was a modified Red Barchetta. All PAX line up on the goal line, run to the opposite goal line and do 100 SSHs. Run back to opposite goal line and then to the 50 yard line and do 50 LBCs, then back to the goal line.

The group was eager on a Friday and moved much more quickly than expected, so we finished our remaining field time with an up-and-back bear crawl with shoulder taps. Start on the goal line and bear crawl to the 1 yard line and then backwards bear crawl to the goal line then do 1 shoulder tap. BC to the 2 yard line and backwards to the goal line and do 2 shoulder taps. Rinse and repeat until you made it to the 10 yard line. Lots of grumbling during this exercise and YHC was not sure if it was anger, happiness, or pain… or all of the above.

Returned our coupons with an easy mosey back to the flag where we did a quick round of rotation Q to finish out the remaining few minutes (diamonds, crunchy frogs, dying cockroaches, and American hammers).

Time called

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thanks to everyone who made it out today for my BDay Q, and to Bieber for adjusting his to free up today. Always great to sweat it out in the gloom with you guys and I love seeing the new FNGs getting involved and enjoying it. It has been a great thing for me this year and I couldn’t have done it without Rooney asking me a few times last year to come give it a shot!

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