Cherokee Crunch
AO: The Shadow
When: 10/12/2019
QIC: Fireballs
PAX (7): Radar, Suds, Manhole, CIA, Leon, Quack
Another fine cool morning in D-Wood. A few brave men posted for a session with the War Daddy. All you fart sackers missed out!
Windmills IC X 15, Imperial Walker IC X 15, Low Slow Squat IC X 15, SSH IC X 20.
Toy Soldiers to the opposite end of the parking lot.
Repeat opening sequence.
High Knees back to where we started.
The Thang:
Cherokee Run to North Atlanta Church of Christ.
Kareoke front side and then back side up drive followed by backwards run to top of hill.
Mary – 100 Crunches OYO, Freddy Mercury IC X 20, Heels to Heaven IC X 20, Obliques IC X 15, American Hammer IC X 20, Plank, Plank Jacks IC X 15, Merkins IC X 10.
Mosey to soccer field for: Suicide/ Squat Combination – 20 Squats sprint 1/3 field and back, 20 Squats sprint 2/3 field and back, 20 Squats sprint entire field and back.
Pair up for Wheel Barrow to half field, followed by Bear Crawl OYO to other end.
Mosey to parking lot for repeat of Mary sequence.
Cherokee Run back to Austin
Mosey to picnic tables for 11’s – Step Ups and Dips
Pair Up – one runs to traffic signal and back while other is in Wall Squats with toe taps. Switch.
10 Burpees OYO followed by forearm plank for 60 seconds.
Leon closed out in fine fashion with words of inspiration and off to coffeteria we went for robust discussion of meaningless topics.