Iron PAX Challenge Week 0
AO: The Norseman
When: 08/29/2019
QIC: Ha-ha
PAX (4): Beaker, Nacho Libre, Pumba, Ha-ha
September is fast approaching and the weather was giving us a taste this morning with temps around 61 degrees and a clear sky. A sliver of a moon was looking over the Norseman parking lot at 0530 when what did our little ears hear? A Dodge Ram pickup coming in hot with Nacho at the wheel!
We moseyed over to the St. Francis HS track for week 0 (the practice week or preseason if you will) of the Iron PAX Challenge (IPC). We circled on the track for:
- Weed Pickers
- Imperial Walkers
The Thang:
The workout is simple but not necessarily easy.
IPC Week 0
6 rounds of:
- 24 Squats
- 24 Merkins
- 24 walking lunges (only counting one leg, 48 is you count both)
- 400 M run
- Repeat for a total of 6 rounds
The PAX got down to it and got it done. Sample times were recorded and we moseyed back to the flag.
We had time for Mary as we returned:
- Flutter Kicks
- Oblique L/R
- Freddie Mercury
- T-bomb
Those affected by the hurricane.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
Always a good morning with this crew! Beaker smoked us all. Nacho, Pumba and I took a little more time. All put in their best. Which in the end is all you can be expected to do in F3 or life.
Do your best today.