Blocks of Jericho
AO: The Gladiator
When: 08/29/2019
QIC: Stroller (@f3_stroller)
PAX (21): Brownie, Hitchock, Mailbox, Laces, Soup Fairy, Cheneral, Moonshine, Spandex, Shank, Mufasa, Delicious, Bo Knows, Flop, Viking, Tebow, Zohan, Kegger, Shrinkage, Scratch Off, FNG (Ashley), Stroller
It was a beautiful, slightly chilly day at the Gladiator. YHC arrived extra early to plant the flags, place the Board of Pain, and scout the path around the rec center before taking off for a pre-run. As YHC plodded down Fouts Rd, car after car streamed past, including a few I didn’t recognize. By the time I hit the parking lot after a pit stop, we had a great crowd building that would eventually grow to 20.
With an FNG present, YHC muddled through the full disclaimer before setting the PAX off on a mosey toward the pitch. A custom playlist accompanied us.
Mosey along the sideline, down the backline, back along the opposite sideline, then head to midfield. Circle up (Bo Knows joined somewhere in here):
- 15x SSH
- 10x Windmill
Next, YHC attempted to have some fun with the core principles. I might have been the only one having fun. All PAX get in plank position, then YHC asked Viking for the first core principle of F3. To Q’s great disappointment, only silence ensued. After the PAX delivered the first core principle, we cranked out 10 mercans as penalty. YHC let the PAX off easy and opened it up to the group to provide the second core principle. The correct answer was received, we continued on without incident. Viking even provided the fourth core principle to make up for blanking on the first. 10 more mercans to close out.
The 5 core principles are…
- Are free of charge
- Are open to all men
- Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
- Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
- End with a Circle of Trust
The Thang:
Mosey back to the parking lot to pick up coupons. After much discussion and a purchase of additional coupons, we were still short coupons. YHC and Viking used their ruck sacks, while Spandex and Kegger hit up the rock pile and found very worthy coupons. Mosey to the area where we usually do Balls to the Wall, and the PAX found YHC’s Board of Pain.
Blocks of Jericho-
7 reps each (with coupon):
- Overhead Press
- V Up
- Manmaker
- Squat
- Curl
- Lateral hop (over coupon)
- American Hammer
1 lap around building (with coupon)
Hold for the 6 after each round. We fit in planks, wall sits, J-Los, and Mountain Climbers over the course of the beatdown while waiting (TCLAPS to Viking who went to sweep the six several times). The Exicon calls for 7 rounds. We made it through 5 before heading back to the flag for Mary.
4 minutes to go, enough time for Flutters, T-Bones, Box Cutters, Boats n Canoes, Freddy Mercury, and Smurf Jacks (a new Viking special).
- Prayers for Scratch-off
- Praise for GrowRuck completion and experience
- Saturday BD at Mayfair Pool starting at 0645
- MFSC Rucks firmly established M/W/F. AO Launch soon…?
Naked-Man Moleskin:
As our numbers have exploded this month, I’ve been playing up the 200 PAX mark for the month. Some ask me what’s important about 200, or what happens when we get there. 200 times, a PAX has made the decision to get out of the fartsack and commit to self improvement.
200 is a nice number, but the PAX count is really about what it represents. I posted this on Slack this morning and will repost here: