3rd of July
AO: The Wreck
When: 07/03/2019
QIC: Bronco
PAX (26): Aflac, Switch, Tweaker, Tumbleweed, Swamp Donkey, Rewind, Rooney, Yankee, Tubs, Sellout, Thud, Chalupa, Squeegie, Moped, Divot, Bear, Foley, Deadbeat, Wideright, Big House, Thumper, Scrum, Gmonkey, Brillo, Ibeam
Needing to kick my own A$$ after a guys trip the weekend prior YHC had nonstop movement on the books for a muggy Wednesday morning before the holiday.
We mosey the long way (with some backwards uphill mixed in) to the parking lot next to the fields where we get on our six for 5 rounds of Febreeze
- 2 big boys/10 air presses (4/20, 6/30, 8/40, 10/50)
Then we do some SSH x20 and Hilbillies x20 to finish it up.
The Thang:
The pax then head down to the bathroom buildings to partner up.
- Partner 1 runs down for 10 monkey humpers while Partner 2 does wall jumps (just jumping nonstop while touching the top of the wall/roof)
- Go to 100
Exhaustion set in quickly so we take a break and head to the field where we do a crabwalk/bearcrawl race for free coffee
- Start in bearcrawl position – go 10 yards then turn to crabwalk. It was a close tie between Gmonkey and a few others but do believe he took the cake.
- We had to get back to the other end so we do a sprint where Tumbleweed comes out of nowhere to take out some of the fastest pax i know.
Finally back up to the wall where we do the following:
- Partner 1 runs down and does 10 burbees while partner 2 does donkey kicks until the return.
We end with an Indian run the long way home by the lake and the mugginess was in full effect.
Crabtree the following day (which was brutal).