Friday Fun @ the Wreck

AO: The Wreck

When: 05/03/2019

QIC: Rusty

PAX (29): AFLAC, Zima, Yankee, Haggis, iBeam, BoomStick, Slim, Bieber, Divot, Rooney, Ozzie, GOAT, Circus, DD, Deadbeat, Thud, Bed Pan, Crablegs, Sellout, Squeegee, Swamp Donkey, Hattrick, Free Pie, OJ, Foley, Switch, FNGs: Backside, Road Trip


A big group at the Wreck on Friday.  2 FNGs.  Let’s Go!


Mosey the long way around the park – trails past the tennis courts, up the hill, around the pond, to the football field parking lot.

Hillbilly x15

Toy Soldier x15

SSH x20

Mountain Climbers x20


The Thang:

Mosey to the stairs near the football field and partner up.

Each person runs up the stairs for a merkin-fest

  • Round 1: 10 Diamond Merkins
  • Round 2: 15 Diamond Merkins
  • Round 3: 20 Wide Merkins
  • Round 4: 25 Wide Merkins
  • Round 5: 30 Wide Merkins

While the person is doing the merkins, their partner will rotate through dips and box jumps until they return.

Mosey to the football field

  • Bearc rawl to the 20 yard line, 20 stone mountains, bear crawl to the 40, 20 stone mountains, finish with a bear crawl to the 50 yard line.
  • Turn around, lunge back.  At the 40 yard line, 20 squats, lunge to the 20 yard line, 20 squats, lunge to the goal line.
  • 2 rounds

Mosey to the center of the football field

As a group, we kick off Captain Thor (1 big boy sit up, 4 american hammers; 2 big boys, 8 hammers…)

We stop short because of time and mosey back to the flag

At the flag, one round of pickle pushers and 2 more rounds of Captain Thor before we call “TIME!”

We punched Friday in the face!  Great job everyone!


Haggis is moving to Cumming, so he’ll join that local F3 Q and announced this will be his last Q at the Wreck.  Also, getting married soon.  They grow up so fast!  Best of luck to a great guy!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

A big group for Friday morning.  All did a great job!

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