Homer’s Donut VQ Debut
AO: The Hooch
When: 03/18/2019
QIC: Homer
PAX (24): Juggs, Meadowlark, Flo, Meatball, Stickers, FNG (Hollywood), Splinter, FNG (Woodchip), Saint2o, Pooh-Bear, Zohan, Ball-Boy, Boomer, Popper, Jimbo, Scrooge, Ready-Mix, Tigger, Sunshine, Piggy, El Matador, Sneakers, Hamburglar
I had originally snagged 3/20 (the first day of spring) for my VQ… I had dreams and visions of zero turn mower carries… but Mondays seemed easier on the ole’ wheezy asthma/allergy lungs, so I asked Boomer if he would switch up with me. With approval, I finalized my plans. Night before twitter chatter made it known some FNG 2.0s (13 and 9!) were going to come out to the gloom and find out what this whole F3 thing was all about.
Disclaimer given and we’re off. Mosey straight at the movie theatre then a hard left toward irontribe. Wanted to let them get a good view of our 24 HIM, and we circled up outside the now out of business Hurricane Wings – we need a BBQ joint in there STAT! Awkward leadership skills by YHC as we:
- Weedpicker
- Windmill
Mosey to Homer’s Donut
The Thang:
I spent entirely way too much time trying to figure out ways to ‘simpsonize’ our beatdown. I knew that I wanted to incorporate the Perimeter Church round-about, but I also figured that it needed to be early on in the beatdown to avoid drivers who might be getting to the church early.
Homer’s Donut was a quick bear crawl around the circle and ended with an encouragement of the 6.
From there, we moved to the parking lot beside the donut. I had considered how to incorporate this grassy knoll into the beatdown as it reminded me of the clouds in the Simpsons opening sequence, but thankfully, I traversed this area during the pre-run time and quickly realized it would be way more running than YHC wanted to do, so an audible was called on the Weinke. Bernie Sanders and sprints would become one half of the Dora beatdown.
Partner Up and do some Doras. 300 SSH, 200 Mountain Climber, 100, Air Squats, 50 Merkins while partner Bernie Sander’d to one end of parking lot, and run back.
Thankfully, as YHC was struggling at the Six to get back to Hamburglar (who was crushing our Merkins,) I noticed some American Hammer was taking place for those who had finished their Dora early. Looking at my watch, and waiting on the last group, we did some Burpees until all finished their Dora. Quick 10 count to recover and we’re off on a Mosey back to the wall at the back of Hurricane’s.
I had wanted to tie in Bart’s skateboard and possibly the chalk board he writes on, into the workout. That made me think of planks and balls to the wall. Originally we were going to sing/hum the theme song while we were planking and ‘balling’ but honestly, with 24 of us, I forgot those instructions and was just happy to get us partnering up on the wall. Fun was had by all.
After a couple rounds, lets Indian Run us back to the flag and do about 10 rounds of Mary. Using the official F3Nation Exicon, YHC realized there is a Mary called Homer to Marge. That had to be included! We did not do Homer to Margo to Mr Burns… We’ll save that for another day.
Clockwise from YHC calling Marys. Much chatter about ab work today. Homer still has a long time before he’s going to locate his Abs, but he definitely feels the difference that the F3 Hooch group has made and was honored to lead this group today!
- Prayers for Feathers knee. Injured during Atlanta marathon on Sunday. Answered prayers as of this back-blast as he did not tear his meniscus!
- Good to see El Matador back. Prayers for continued schedule adjustment.
- Great to see the FNG 2.0s out. How amazing it is to see dads and sons together!
- Saint2o has Q at Norseman tomorrow.
- Flo mentioned Caney Creek and the new NLB guys this Wednesday.
- and others…
6 for some Coffeeteria afterward. No Donuts today for this Homer.
Naked-Man Moleskin:
I’ve told my wife on several occasions that it is truly amazing how this group of guys have impacted my life, and we’ve just met. My day job often has me working by myself (team of 1.) I’ve got a household of 3 women. My passion for serving and teaching in kids ministry often means I’m surrounded by women. I really was lacking men in my life. Guys who I am happy to call my friends. The exercise and fitness is just a benefit of meeting you guys in the mornings. If any of you ever need anything, please know that I’m here for you.
Last, I heard chatter while in the Mosey and there’s obviously a lot of twitter chatter about a Downtown Duluth AO. It is time for us to step up and make that happen. I’m in.