Back in the Saddle
AO: Firehouse
When: 02/07/2019
QIC: Reuben
PAX (3): Fudd, Picker, Reuben
After a about a month and a half hiatus, YHC made a long waited return. It was a blessing to be able to lead Q today, and even more of a blessing to receive the encouragement and prayers from the men of The Alpha over these past months of treatment. Let’s mosey!!!
Stroll around upper lot to rock pile for warm-up consisting of Imperial walkers, Windmill, weed pickers, and Peter Parker’s all IC. We finished up with a quick round of ATM’s x 10 reps each all IC. With our muscles warm, and ligaments stretched, we grabbed our favorite coupons or pendants and headed to Field # 1.
The Thang:
4 rounds of 4 corners was awaiting us. Time to meet our destiny.
1st Round-
- C1 Burpees x 10
- C2 Gas pumpers x 20
- C3 Merkins x 30
- C4 LBC’s x 40
2nd Round-
- Reverse it and Bernie Sanders from corner to corner. Add 5 additional reps at each station.
Mosey to Field # 2 and don’t forget to grab your coupons:
Round 3- w/ coupon
- C1-Kettle bell swings x 10
- C2- Squat thrusts x 20
- C3- Skull crushers x 30
- C4- Burpees w/ coupon x 10
Round 4- Reverse it and add reps w/ coupon- Burpees x 15, skull crushers x 40, squat thrusts x 30, Kettle bells x 20
Indian run back to rock pile to return our gifts and back to flag for Mary consisting of flutters x 20 reps.
3 PAX total today. Prayers and healing for fellow pax Skynyrd and Clyde on IR. Continue growth and direction for AO.