
AO: The Rubicon

When: 12/18/2018

QIC: Pellets

PAX (): Trebek, Miller Time, Devito, Zima, Lumbergh, Cookie, Kruger, Jackalope, Pitstop, Lowes

11 HIM’s came out to the Rubicon for what was previewed the day before on Slack as an Upper Body Explosion.  Selfishy after spending the past few weeks getting in more runs than BD’s my middle-aged man upper body was hollering for some work.


After a quick mosey around the parking lot we circled up before embarking on our adventure and knocked out a rapid fire round of Weed Pickers and a round of Hillbilly’s.

The Thang #1:

After the warmup we made the short mosey over to the rock pile for a coupon.  Brief disclaimer was given that we will be doing a lot of work and there was a diverse set of coupon choices made by the Pax anywhere from the 3.5 lb ankle weights to 25 lb range.  The rocks were put on hold adjacent to the FOD and we paired up and made our way out to the diamond for instruction.

This exercise consisted of one partner doing dips while the other partner ran the bases.  We hammered through 3 rotations of each and was a good tricep warmup.

The Thang #2:

Off the diamond and back to our respective rocks the goal I had in mind for the day was 1000 reps.  Here were the sets we completed along with Mary for the six after each exercise group.

Exercise 1–4 sets of 50 curls and 25 Merkins at the top of the hill.

Exercise 2–4 sets of 50 skull crushers and 25 Merkins at the top.  (The Merkins were dicey here as the skull crushers couple dipped on lactic acid.)

Exercise 3–4 sets of 50 Bent over rows and 25 Merkins at the top.

This was a total of 900 reps add in the 100 or so dips and we hammered out 1000 for the BD.

Just enough time for a quick lap around the outfield of the FOD and rally hard back to the flag.  We had a few pleasant rounds of Mary and made sure to call on Jackalope and didn’t disappoint with a call for 20 Diamond Merkins to get the Pax groaning.


Not sure if it was the 1000 reps or had been a while but the Q was fired up and ready for special requests and dedication time before being reminded easy cowboy I’m going off script and we have to knock out a count and a roll call.  Came to my senses and we finished strong.

Prayers for Pitstop and his job search.

Dropped off the NLB (No Longer Bound) suitcase donation from The Rubicon this morning and thank you all for supporting.  Upon drop off the director mentioned some of the guys are working out at Caney Creek but with Winter months most of them are not equipped with cold weather gear (jackets, gloves, wool hats).  If have any available let me know and we can make another run up there to drop off.



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