Lots of Kodiaks in these woods

When: 6/21/17

QIC: Babyface

PAX (): Banjo, C-4, Cricket, Buckeye, Bloodhound, Factory, Misty, The Mule, Manning, Yokel, Naty Lite, Wheezy, Westside, Toolman, Lawdog, & Hombre

Today was the last Beatdown that YHC was going to have the opportunity to lead before he turned another year older so YHC wanted to make it memorable.  Last night, those that are on twitter and apart of the watercooler (which should be all Kodiaks on twitter that have added me, so if you’re not in the cooler let me know) were asked to take part in a little survey of their favorite or not so favorite exercises.  YHC received a good many responses and it helped to create a wonderfully painful experience.  YHC also wanted to add in some sandbags (something Bloodhound suggested as a favorite exercise) for all the PAX that don’t usually make it out to a Saturday Beatdown and may never have had the join of playing with one of our sand babies.  So here’s what went down:

Warm up

Quick Mosey to the back corner of the parking lot where we performed IC:

11 Copper head squats (11 because even now I still screw up and do 1 too many on my first warm up exercise)

10 Merkins

10 SSH

10 Imperial Walkers


The Thang:

We then ran down to the back parking lot where YHC & Bloodhound already dropped off some sand babies and got into rows with down the length of the a set of parking spaces for a conveyer belt.  Each man had his own parking space.  Each man performed the appointed exercise for that spot then we inch wormed to the next space to perform that exercise.  When you completed the last exercise in the row you ran to the back of the line and picked up with the exercise.  Always leave your sand baby.  Exercises included:

10 Squat, 10 press(sand), 10 Lunges (each leg),10 Merkins, 10 Chest press(sand),  5 Burpees, 10 Star Jumps, and 10 Mike Tyson’s.

We continued until we made it back to the first exercise. From there we did one recovery lap around the bus cul-de-sac and back for a second round of fun.  Same concept but this time the exercises were:

15 Plank Jacks, 15 Squat (sand), 15 Shoulder Taps, 15 Lunges (each leg & with Sand), 15 Curls (sand), 15 Mike Tyson’s, and 3 other exercises 15 reps each that I for the life of me cannot remember, I guess that means it was a good Beatdown if it erased my brain, but so much for memorable.

From there we did one recovery lap around the bus cul-de-sac and back again.  Next time for some 11’s.  Lawdog really inspired me with all of his climbing on Monday so it was time to scale our small grassy hills at the back of the Kodiak.  Our 11’s exercises were LBC’s & Merkins with a run up and down the hill, Starting with 10 LBC(bottom of the Hill/1 Merkin Top of the Hill)

Finally we ran to the back patio portion of the school to finish off all of the leg lovin fun with one round of Super Aiken Legs – Done in succession with no rest — 34 Squats, 34 Box Jumps, 34 Lunges (17 each leg), 34 Split Jacks (17 each leg).

Mosey back to the Flag. I planned on driving around and picking the babies up after the workout, but these men wouldn’t have it so thank you to Bloodhound, Hombre, C-4, Cricket, Lawdog, Buckeye, & Misty for manning up and carrying the babies back to the flag


  • Prayers for the Creekview families that lost loved ones this week
  • Prayers for Crickets family with a soon new addition
  • Prayers for Wham-o as he has back surgery this Friday


  • 2.0 workout on Saturday brought to you by Bloodhound & Cricket (hopefully)
  • 15 (all Kodiak) on Monday was a record for our AO, then today we beat it with 17 (all Kodiaks).  Its awesome to see the growth we have accomplished in this short amount of time and seeing so many men taking the DRP and repeatedly making it out.

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