Leave no man behind; today we’re all the six.

AO: Meathouse

When: 2024-08-20

QIC: Harding

PAX (7): Angus, Dinghy, Flo, Fuzzy Dice, Hackeysack, Harding


YHC received a surprise gift from my dad, in the form of a weight vest (thanks Amazon wishlist!). What better way to break it in, than at the Meathouse, I thought… I looked to HC for a BD, and realized (thanks to @Angus!) that it was, in fact, myself that had signed up to Q! With the starts aligned, I knew I needed to show up with a BD worthy of the strong men at this AO, and hopefully not disappoint…


Warmup pt 1:

LBAC, Pool Pissers, OH Claps, Windmills, imperial walkers

Warmup pt 2:

Still at the circle, all Pax do toe taps on coupon AMRAP, While each of the 7 pax rotated one at a time doing 6x (ac) plank toes-to fingers (exicon name?)

The Thang:

Thang 1:

Around the center grass. We’re going to do a lap, together. Leave no man behind, the six moves together.

Starting in front of the stage, PAX lined up next to each other (“the six”) perform OYO:

6x alternating coupon Merkin (single)

6x coupon swings

6x alternating rainbow OH thruster (single | exicon?)

6x curlz

Rinse and Repeat while…

1 PAX at a time, performs 6x coupon walking lunge steps L+R+Squat. When complete, he yells “SIX!”. All PAX on the line now behind, rifle carry to meet HIM and switch with another PAX.

PAX can take lead as many times as they want and pace their reps as they can. Continue until a lap is complete.


Thang 2

In a circle, PAX took turns counting sets of increasing number of reps +1 each set.

Goal (achieved): from 1x up to 6x reps per exercise, then back down to 1x.


Inchworm down to _x Merkins, then inchworm up.

_x Coupon Rows

_x Goblet squats

_x OH Press



Performed a set of each ex. 18x, then 12x, then 6x (IC)

OH coupon hold imperial walkers

Peter Parker’s

Gas pumpers

Back to the Flag, and to kill the last minute we did 18x IC hello dollies.



Reminder: Ready Mix / Dark Visor memorial - still need volunteers

Stay tuned for a Norcross AO launch.

New Meathouse Site Q announced next week, stay tuned!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

The men of the Meathouse always perform above expectation, and I won't admit which part, but I had to come up with part of the BD to fill up some time! :) Always an honor to lead and I always enjoy the support given. Thanks!

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