Magical Mystery Tour

AO: Gladiator

When: 2024-08-08

QIC: Scratch-Off

PAX (23): B-Lock-A, Black Box, Bo Knows, Butterknife, Chanel, Cheneral, Darkside, defcon2, DREAMER, Dutch Oven, Fire Drill, Florida Man (Dylan Anderson), Grant Borat Doubell, Hitchcock, Laces, Macbeth, Mater, Scratch-Off, Slider, Spandex, TheBigShort, Yokel, brownie


Don't know what a magical mystery tour is? Well, it's a tour of the park that contains surprises and comes with a feeling of nostalgia some may associate with magic. Magical Mystery Tour. As has become the tradition, we decided to layer on the mystery with a game of "Was this made up on the spot." Always a fun game, but it was a little different than we normally play it, and therefore came with some controversy. As a quite serious sports executive, who values above all, competitive integrity and equal opportunity to win, I feel the need to clear the air.
  1. Usually, the game is "Was this made up on the prerun," but that didn't happen this morning for YHC.
  2. Technically we've done all of the stations before (physical locations)
  3. Technically we've done all of these exercises before
  4. We have not done all these in the same order and location.
  5. If it wasn't made up on the spot, it was thought of somewhere between 9pm last night and 5:15am this morning. For those who served (thank you for your service) and those hardo military wannabes that's between 2100 and 0515
  6. If it was made up after 5:15 (even if the exercise didn't happen until 5:40), it will be considered made up on the spot.
  7. I honestly can't remember which I made up and which I didn't.


Warm-up: Spash Pad,  Made up on the spot
  • SSH, Windmills, Willie Mays Hays, Michael Phelps, Imperial Walkers?

The Thang:

  1. Station 1: Coupon Pile, partially planned, partially made up on the spot
    1. 10 Curls
    2. 10 Rows
    3. 10 OH Presses (this was the one made up)
    4. 5 rounds
  2. Station 2: Top Eves Parking Lot, planned
    1. 4 rounds of Jack Webb, I think we've done this every time on the Magical Mystery Tour
  3. Station 3: Holcomb's Hideaway, Planned
    1. 10 burpees, also something we always do on the Magical Mystery Tour
  4. Station 4: Library, Made up on the spot
    1. Partner up for 5 minutes,
    2. One Partner Runs while the other rotates between Merkins & Squats.
    3. Why don't we call Squats Toupees?
    4. Aren't you glad election signs haven't started popping up yet?
  5. Station 5: Scott Rd Stop Sign, made up on the spot
    1. 10 burpees
  6. Station 6: Muscle Beach, Planned. Lordy is muscle beach always planned.
    1. Morning call with 23 freaking people.
  7. Station 7: Soccer Field, Planned, All Magical Mystery Tours end in Sprints
    1. Wind Sprints
  8. Station 8: Flag, Made up on the spot.
    1. Stretch for 32 seconds


Prayer for Dreamer's family and Hitchcock's family. Do the Ramos 5k Next weekend.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

That was fun. That was sweaty. Those two sentences aren't related. Scratch-Off, Out.

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