Log. And Burpees with my Bros
AO: Gladiator
When: 05/24/2022
QIC: Brownie
PAX (17): Bo Knows, Cheneral, defcon2, DREAMER, Laces, Moonshine, RaspberryPi, Scar, Scratch-Off, Shrinkage, Spandex, Speedo, Tar Heel, TheBigShort, Zohan, Doug, Brownie
Is there anything in F3 scarier than waking up in the morning with the realization that Brownie has the Q? I mean, maybe IronPax, but that’s mostly just dumb. Brownie is terrifying. Awesome. But terrifying.
The prerun was fun.
And holy cow, there were a ton of people in the parking lot when we moseyed in.
Brownie responsibly disclaimed the PAX, mentioned something about a prop surprise, and I don’t want to get too graphic, but it really scared the s*** out of me. You could say that I dropped a log.
We then moseyed to the field and sort of around the field, then back to the circle for warmup. It was the standard stuff. SSH, weedpickers (disrespectfully), toy soldiers, and some other stuff that I can’t remember.
The Thang:
We split into 2 groups and went to either side of the field. The idea was that we’d do 40 reps of an exercise, Bernie clockwise the short side of the field, then 30 reps of an exercise in that new corner, run diagonally across the field (still clockwise, and make sure we don’t hit anyone from the other group coming back our way), then 20 reps of an exercise in that corner, then run the long way back to the original corner for 10 reps of an exercise. That sentence was 71 words long.
The catch was if you were in the middle circle with someone from the other group, you had to stop and do 3 bropees with them. How great of a workout is bropees? Burpees? Yes. High Fives? Yes. What are you doing this morning? Just some burpees with my bros. It should be noted that I avoided bropees until the last round.
We did 3 rounds: merkins, squats, mountain climbers.
Then we regrouped and headed to the grassy knoll behind the flag, but it seemed that there was a 6-foot log on the curb. That’s like an entire Raspberry Pi. Brownie then told us that we had to do 9s: Burpees at the bottom, LBCs at the top. It kinda felt like he was making up ya know? I’ve done 7s, 11s, and 21s, but never 9s. But don’t worry, reader, it’ll make sense in about another 70 words.
The catch with the 9s was that 2 people had to carry the log to the top of the hill. Put it down. Pick it back up. Then carry it back down the hill and pass it down the line to the next 2 PAX. It was like that Planet Fitness commercial 10 years ago. The reward was that you got to skip that round of 9s.
After doing that for about an hour and a half, we apparently still had time to sprint up the road, do more burpees, sprint back, and do more burpees.
Then we finally went back to the flag for some mary.
- Lots of Murph options on Monday
- CSAUP on June 4th: Ruck/BD combo. Apparently you just walk. For an extended period of time. And, apparently there are no excuses for not participating. So, I guess we’ll see you out there?
- DC2 & his ankle and for getting into shape for his trip.
- Raspberry’s new job!
Naked-Man Moleskin:
A Brownie BD is something that shouldn’t be missed. You’ll work a lot, you’ll hurt a lot and you’ll sweat a lot, which is important because the sweat hides the tears. Regardless, it was great to be out there with y’all this morning.
Scratch-Off, Out.