Nobody Skips leg day
AO: Halo
When: 12/20/2021
QIC: Wideright
PAX (9): Abacus (Mark Green), Bottlecap, Compost, Fondue Guy, Jorts, Skol, Tweaker, Wideright, wakesport
disclaimer and warm up IC10x: bear hugs, seal claps, a vagodas, hillbillies and mosey to steps
The Thang:
2 rounds of legs – 3 areas 3 mins each and rotate
run a lap
1st round – lunges, bunny hops and bear crawls
2nd round – marta rails, squats and merkins
mosey to curb for BW running rounds
each pax calls an exercise and we do reps at the 2nd line, and then run back
mosey to flag…..TIME
praise for fondue’s M and her eye surgery success
all brothers traveling
Wideright’s M pre op today and surgery Thursday
loved ones lost during this time of year, and healing hearts