Windjammer Christmas Vacation

AO: Windjammer

When: 12/23/2020

QIC: Townie

PAX (7): Townie, Cookie, Walkie Talkie, Lefty, Devito, Dr. Rico, Hokie


Grace?  She passed away 30 years ago…


Mosey to the dam.

SSH’s, Weed picker, Good Mornings, Covids

Mosey back to parking lot

The Thang:

Turn on Christmas Vacation themed playlist on speaker while PAX gather cinder blocks from the special hiding location

1 Uncle Eddie runs a lap (w DB Drill/Shuttle) while others Aunt Bethany:


Bench presses w cinder


Tony Hawk Burpees (burpee with a 360 jump)

High knees

American hammers

Nolan Ryan’s (shoulder taps but instead of a tap you act like you are punching robin ventura in a headlock)

Yoke Walk (all PAX carry cinder around in circle while Eddie runs a lap)


Girls for the Curls w Cinder (wait, what?)

Reverse crunches (lay on back and crunch knees toward the chest (lower ab workout)

Imperial walkers

Stand-ups (use curb to do a big-boy sit-up all the way to standing position)

Wide Arm Mercans (werkins)

Overhead Presses w Cinder


Dying cockroaches


Special prayers out for our brother Hombre & Dr. Rico’s wife

Naked-Man Moleskin:

We broke for Christmas wishing all PAX safe travels through the holiday season and decided there may not be a Windjammer next Wednesday due to how many PAX out of town.

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