The Next Exercise is… the Side Straddle Hop
AO: The Hooch
When: 07/31/2019
QIC: Homer
PAX (14): Pooh Bear, Ball Boy, The Dab, Hamburglar, Scrooge, MeatBall, Piggy, Sunshine, Boomer, El Matador, Splinter, Feathers, ReadyMix
Today is my 21st wedding anniversary. I decided a while back to grab the Q off the Hooch Q sheet and have some sort of fun with 21s. It wasn’t until the night before that I realized we could also encourage our permanently down range Jimbo find his next AO with an exercise he loves… some Side Straddle Hop. Jimbo, we miss you. Find your Shield Lock and don’t make us come down in Boomer’s Minivan!
Early on the PAX was admiring my iPhone Xs Max strapped to my arm. I normally do not do the beatdown with it, but needed it for a timer later. If anyone would like to buy me a new iWatch to replace my first generation version, I will welcome it. The phone has GPS and the watch does not. Also, I need the audible timer later on in the Thang.
- SSHx21
- Forward Arm Circles
- Backward Arm Circles
- Weedpicker
- ‘Quick for Homer’ Paced Mosey to Hurricanes
The Thang:
- Circle up for 21 more SSH
- ‘Quick for Homer’ Paced Mosey to Homer’s Donut
- Mumble Chatter… “Keep Moving, Homer…” as the PAX expected a round of Homer’s Donut. Not this time. At least until after we do…
- 21 more SSH
- Homer’s Donut is a bear crawl around the roundabout (Naked man Moleskin aside: I did this at my first VQ to slow the PAX down. It still does it’s job. I still can’t do the entire circle, but have gotten a TON stronger and look forward to completing this exercise soon!)
- 21 more SSH
- Let’s Mosey to back side of church. Went left toward chapel, down sidewalk and around to patio. By this time the PAX had figured out that something was up with the SSH as we circled up for 21 more SSH.
- Mosey to the Astroturf by the playground
- Wanting our eyes to get adjusted to the darkness (it was still mighty dark back there) we did another 21 SSH followed by some Plank Hurdle fun.
- Finally it was time to pull out the tablet (er… my phone) and explain what was happening next. 60seconds of exercises x8 with 30s rests in between. 4 Exercises available for a choose your own adventure workout. Pull Ups, Sit Ups, V Ups, Push Ups.
- Can’t remember if we did another round of SSH, but we eventually Mosey’d clockwise around church to the Atrium Entrance. We stopped for 21 SSH in front of cameras (someone at Perimeter Church… please give us a pic or video of)
- Mosey around and up stairs and back toward flag. The PAX wondered if we were going to stop at Homer’s Donut, but we were all together and kept moving.
- Finally Back at flag, 21 SSH.
- Enough time for a couple folks to bring an exercise.
- Sunshine was called upon because I KNEW that he would choose another round of SSH and I KNEW that he’d do more than 21. My Man.
- The Dab, who has been posting like crazy recently, chose Squats… And 6:15 came and we were done.
Good to see a large group back after lot’s of travel. Still several who are out and about. Prayers for families and work situations. Prayers for soon to be named Peachtree Corners AO and the Crop Duster Running AO that launched last Thursday. Thoughts and Prayers for Jimbo.
Adjourn to coffeeteria to discuss our M’s.