12 Days of Brimstone Christmas

AO: Brimstone

When: 12/11/2020

QIC: Raider

PAX (7): Circus, Boomstick, Afac, Switch, Grease Monkey, Windex, Raider


YHC perused recent backblasts across  F3 alpha and noticed a recent theme of the “12 Days of Christmas”.  Decided to try our own Brimstone version of the holiday routine.


Moseyed to the parking lot across from the church.

12 SSH

12 Mountain climbers

12 Hillbillies

12 Windmills


The Thang:

Thang 1: 4 Corner Reindeer Games

Moseyed to the lower parking lot for a couple rounds of Reindeer Games.

PAX partner’d up

Round 1: Partner 1 tossed a Reindeer treat into a bucket 10ft in front.  Partner 2 took off to a corner for an exercise.   Partner 1 did Stone Mountains while waiting for Partner 2 to return.  Partners then switched up and Partner 2 tossed a Reindeer treat into the bucket.  Continued Round 1 until both Partners went to all 4 corners.

Round 2: Partner 1 tossed a Reindeer treat over their back while Partner 2 tried to catch the treat in the bucket.  Partner 1 did Big Boys while waiting for Partner 2 to return.  Continued through all 4 corners.

4 Corner Exercises

Crab jacks

Plank jacks






Thang 2: 12 Days of Brimstone Christmas

Moseyed to the Roswell Square which was all lit up for the next Christmas-themed thang.  Worked through 12 Days of Christmas in pyramid fashion while listening to Holiday tunes.

Day Exercise
1 Burpee
2 Curls w/coupon
3 Squats w/ coupon
4 Overhead press
5 Arm circles
6 Monkey Humpers
7 LBCs
8 JLos (Dbl cnt)
9 Wide Arm Merkins
10 American Hammers (Dbl cnt)
11 Hillbillies
12 SSH

Mary around the Christmas tree

“Borrowed” my daughter’s Christmas tree from her bedroom and loaded it Candy Canes each with an exercise listed on it.  PAX circled around the Christmas tree and each PAX took a candy cane.  Went around the circle where each PAX led the Mary exercise on the candy cane.

Candy Cane Mary exercises

Dying Cockroach
Freddy Mercury
Slow Squats
Flutter kicks
Big Boy Situps
Box Cutters


Announced the Santa Ruck for Saturday

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