
T.O. for the Win

Man, the weather doesn’t get any better than this morning. T.O. originally mentioned he was a 10 minute miler kinda guy, but we ended up with a 9:40 pace, 4.9 miles in 43 minutes. YHC EH’d him at yesterday’s #3rdF after the #Rubicon, and he posted. Crack and YHC were …

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B.O.M.B.S. over Kilimanjaro

A perfect morning to escape the fart sacking. Unless of course you are Swiper or The Body, and God only knows what Darth Visor is doing right now.  51 degrees with a clear view of the lesser known big Dipper.  YHC arrived a little early this morning to take a …

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Animals and Army crawls

Giving the nod to at least one anticipated late arrival, YHC started our Thursday with a few laps around the parking lot mixing in side shuffles and karaoke.  Back to the starting spot for Warm UPs consisting of: SSH Imperial Walkers Copper Head squats Mercans The Thang:  It’s been too …

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Spartan inspired beatdown

8 PAX on a beautiful Wednesday morning in Cherokee Warm up: SSH Windmill The Thang: Spartan PAX lined up on the soccer field Endline and sprinted to the other Endline dropped for 10 Merkins then walked back to the start, Repeated for 20 Sprints and 200 Merkins Bataan Death March …

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Extreme Couponing…

We’ve all seen the shows where the strategic SAHM walks out of a Wal Mart with $1,200 worth of non-complementary stacks of dry goods for less than a $1 investment?  Well, it was kind of like that at the Creek this morning for 6 HIM’s, except we invested heavily in …

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Double or Nothing

As YHC explained via the Twitterverse, the beatdown was inspired during a painful ordeal common to American Father of Girls, sitting through Beauty and the Beast instead of watching March Madness. YHC knew the movie was similar to one with talking drawings made many years ago so of course this …

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A group effort

Today was all about empowering others.  When I was trying to decided what the beatdown should include I really wanted to work on getting others more involved, and really have other s carry the load of the workout.  My original plan called for some partner workouts, but as seems to …

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Rage of Cantore

This was my first Saturday post in about a year and a half and YHC woke up to hear the rain beating against the windows and roof. Thinking to myself “why did I have to take the Q today?” The answer immediately came to me “because why not.” With that …

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A Rainy Test Day

Nothing like waking up pre-dawn to the sound of a driving rain to get you excited about your VQ. YHC wondered who the hearty souls would be on this wet morning. The Alphamen who showed showed up strong for a midterm test day. Not being afraid to recycle a good …

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Saturday in Cherokee

About 20 months ago, YHC attended his first beat down on a Saturday morning at the Rubicon. After a few more Saturday posts, YHC retired from Saturdays as it became the only day to sleep in and I just did not have the motivation to get up and drive to …

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