
Spring Break

Small Crew this Morning Mosey to the playground for a quick warm-up. 15 SSH 15 Hilbillies 15 Copperhead Squats The Thang! Modified Dora 50 Dips 100 Big Boy Sit ups 150 Side Squats After every 25 reps take a mosey around the playground. Short Mosey around the track to the …

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Stroll in Knoll Woods

The early rain and spring break kept the numbers light at only 9 PAX.  YHC picked up the Q the night before so made it simple and picked an old Q that gave me a good beat down in the past from AFLAC.  5:30 arrived and we were ready to …

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“No Break” Spring Break here!

It’s Spring Break week and several of our brothers are enjoying a break from the everyday grind. The few who have stayed behind have decided to hit it hard, and how better to that than by adding a 40 lb weight(better known as “Girlfriends”) to the mix! This morning wasn’t …

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Triple Trouble

With Spring Break upon us, the Paragon is still hitting impressive, although slightly decreased numbers.  13 Pax battled the fartsack to post in the Gloom and were treated to a three point workout. Warm-O Rama  Mosey to the back of Dean Rusk near the bus lanes and circle SSH, Cotton Pickers, …

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Running around with Rocks

With the front moving through North Georgia last night we expected to be wet but were hoping to avoid encounters of the electric kind.  Not to worry as there was no lightning activity as the front came though. And the rain stopped just as it was time to start the …

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Spring Break Hump Day

4 and then a late addition made 5 HIMs ready to power over that Spring Break Hump Day. The rain stopped right on time, and YHC had a plan. Here’s what happened. Quick Warmup: SSH Weedpicker Hillbilly The Thang: Mosey to the playground. 11’s with pullups and copperhead jump squats …

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Tossing the dice on Highway 20

All it took was 1 dice, and a whole lot of fun and pain was had throughout the morning gloom.  YHC was pumped about completing the next big Q, but wasn’t sure the 4 PAX present would be able to finish given the amount of light poles our Firehouse AO had present.  Here is how the morning turned out.

Mosey up the path towards the entrance with a little Karoke along the way.  Quick stop at Stonehenge for a little Warm-o-Rama:

SSH x 20 (IC)

Hillbilly x 20 (IC)

Moroccan Night Club x 15(IC)

Annie x 10(both arms IC)

Grabbed some curb for Derkins x 5, then walk the plank to regular merkins x 5 (all IC).

The Thang

Mosey up to entrance for for what YHC has named “The Highway 20 Ride” in honor of   fellow Georgia boy Zack Brown.  YHC loves some good country music, and this name seemed appropriate.

Our AO, as some have said, is lit up like Vegas.  It was YHC’s plan to hit as many light posts as we could get.  1 dice represented the 6 excercises we could choose from at each pole.

1- Hammers

2-Crunchy Frogs




6- Lt. Dans

We started out with 5 reps and increased our reps by 5 along the way; ending with 20 reps by the time we made it back to the flag.  All in all we discovered that the stars were not aligned in our favor(Burpees and Lt Dans became quite consistent) and we would not be hitting the craps table in Vegas anytime soon.

Proud of the fight in our group today. As we discovered per our brother Olaf, we had done close to 2 miles worth of pain  on this Hwy 20 Ride.  


Great group of 4 PAX today!

We prayed for our missing brothers hitting the Spring Break trail, and those who have lost loved ones recently.

Coffeeteria was filled with great conversation and encouragement.




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Maybe I Should Have let Poison Q?

A fantastic morning and an empty Dunwoody High School, lent itself to a fantastic adventure for 8 hearty souls to join YHC in the gloom of Shadow AO. Warm-O-Rama: (IC- x15 and then x10) SSH, Toy-Soldiers, Squats, Mountain Climbers.  Lunge to the parking lot center, high knees to the other side. …

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