
Back from Helenback

It seems to me that YHC hasn’t had a Q above 40 degrees for at least 5 months, and today was no different. Sweat Wagon read 37 as we stepped into the gloom and for a few minutes it was looking like the lowest recorded numbers for The Wreck. But …

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Sunshine’s last Caney Q

A yellow sliver of a moon hung low over north Fulton County (or is it south Forsyth) as the pax gathered last Wednesday in the gloom.  Just as the clock neared 0515 the familiar hum of the NLB van entered the lot delivering Sunshine and the Cosmic Bandito.  Gloves were …

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To Build A Base You Need Planks, Right?

3 unsuspecting HIMs joined YHC on this most excellent of Saturday mornings, for a different sort of a Manhole Q. Warm-O-Rama: (all IC and x15) SSH, Windmills, Moroccan Nightclub, Sumo-Squats, Mountain Climbers (x2) Field-Trip: Mosey up Roberts to Witham to Whitewood Ct. (90 second plank). Mosey to the Austin path and …

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Get Your Money’s Worth

Seven hearty souls gathered in the gloom at Dunwoody High School for another Seles beatdown and at the end they “got their money’s worth”. The Thang 12 Side Straddle Hops, 12 Squats, 12 Arm circles, 12 Stone Mountains, 12 Floyd Mayweathers, 12 LBCs i.c. Rinse & Repeat Mosey to picnic …

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3 Pace groups at F3 Hoppy Like

7 PAX arrived at 35 Milton Ave. to get better this Friday morning. After q quick discussion on paces we divided into 2 pace groups which quickly turned into 3 pace groups as we went down Academy. The rabbits (Devito, Lowes and Mayhem) ran down Academy to left on Westside …

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