Mayhem’s Bracket of Madness

AO: Academy

When: 2025-03-25

QIC: Mayhem

PAX (8): Cookie, HotSauce, lumbergh, No-See-Um, Sweep3r, Tank, Turbine


As I awoke on Monday morning, basking in my March Madness Bracket's first place position after round 2 (NBD), lightning struck my brain.  A tournament of exercises.  Could it work? Would we run out of time? Only one way to find out. Sure, there was pre-tournament shenanigans with multiple exercises getting additional seeds (I blame Avis for the burpees), but that just the pageantry of March madness. The selection committee finally intervened, and ultimately we got 32 worthy exercises. Mayhem's first annual Exercise Bracket was officially a go.


Rifle carry the coupons to the pain station beside the track.

The Thang:

32 exercises, only one champion.  Working off the bracket:
  1. Roll the wooden die.  Even number the top exercise wins. Odd number, bottom exercise.  Winner advances March Madness style.
  2. Round 1 - 25 reps or 1 min static hold. Round 2 - 50 reps, 2 min hold and so on.  Ultimately we ran out of time and held at 50.  Will have this refined next year.
  3. After each division's round was complete, lap around the track.  Again we were pressed for time, so the mileage wasn't up to the typical Academy standard.
There was some initial concern when the burpees won in round 1, but they flamed out quickly. An additional scare with Stu's Fire Hydrants making it to the Elite Eight.  The weighted exercises flamed out quickly, with only Upright Rows making it to the Final Four.  Ultimately, amazingly, the only basketball affiliated exercise (Bobby Hurley) was crowned champion. Harbinger of things to come for Duke?


Thanks to all the PAX for putting up with my fever dream.  Was fun, and definitely can fine tune next year. Praise for Lumbergh's daughter being accepted into UGA!!! Go Dawgs! Prayers for Sweeper, Tank, Shortcake & Ballerina as they take on the Georgia Death Race this weekend.

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