Perfectly Dry Morning

AO: The Wreck

When: 2025-03-24

QIC: Stroller

PAX (13): aflac, Blackout, Bobber, Donor, Florida Man (Brett Gilmore), Matt Shields-Norm, Moonshine, Sell-out, Skyline, Spray, Stroller, Nutmeg, DFACS


So many AOs, so little time. Somehow it has been 2+ years since YHC was last at the Wreck. Q sheet is open, why not jump on it? Let's see how well I know this park. Rain before the beatdown slightly affected the plan but come 0530 it's dry. Let's go!


Mosey past the playground to the football parking lot. Circle up for SSH, weedpicker, imperial walker, copperhead squat

The Thang:

Mosey to the base of the road up to the gymnastics center. Wanted to have us run up the grass hill as a memory of Aflac's 50th BD, but opted against it after the rain.
  • 10 Mountain Climbers at the bottom, 15 mercans at the speed bump, 20 squat jumps at the end of the lot, run back to the start. 5 rounds.
  • Mosey down to the shed outside the football fields. Partner up, complete 60 burpees as a pair. The other partner will hold BTTW to failure. Then swap. Shoulders got smoked fast on this one
  • Down to the field for some BOMBS. Choose a different partner. One partner runs to the 40 and does 5 monkey humpers while the other does the exercise (burpees, overhead claps, mercans, BBSU, squats). After each partner has done one round of the exercise, move to the next
  • Back to the flag. American Hammers until Norm drops. Then a Doomsday Clock. Hold plank, then each PAX around the circle does one mercan and we keep a cumulative count. We got up to 65 then stopped. Q left time a bit short so we did 3 burpees then it was time


  • Wreck hosting BD/breakfast at NLB April 5
  • Convergence May 3 at Wills Park, Halpha Day starts 8pm May 2

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I try to admit when I screwed up as Q, and I missed a couple things this morning:
  • I assumed there were no FNGs but didn't check. Then halfway through the first routine Donor admitted he didn't recognize someone. Fortunately there were no FNGs, but you shouldn't assume- especially when you don't know all the guys there
  • Moonshine got on me for neglecting the 6 at the end. It was a long-ish mosey back and we never took a pause for everyone to get together. Thanks for watching out for the 6, Moonshine
It started raining on the way home, but we had the perfect hour for a BD. Hope to see some more familiar faces next time!

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