Academy Takeover, DeLorean Style
AO: Academy
When: 2024-11-19
QIC: DeLorean
PAX (8): Cookie, Deep dish, lumbergh, Mayhem, Sweep3r, Turbine, uga
Will it rain? Does it matter? Nah to both, apparently.....Warm-O-Rama:
SSH WP Arm circlesThe Thang:
- Fox Hole! (100 yrds)
- Mercan Mile, DeLorean Style
- every 0.2 miles, rotate between 25 mercans, 25 dry docks, 10 burpees
- Bearway 2 Heaven, DeLorean style
- 50 yrd bear crawl --> 5 burpees
- 40 yrd bearcrawl --> 10 burpees
- 30 yrd bearcrawl --> 15 burpees
- 20 yrd bearcrawl --> 20 burpees
- 10 yrd bearcrawl --> 25 burpees
- 600M run --> 50 mercans
- 600M run --> 50 Lunges (A)
- 400M run --> 50 squats
- Rock N Roll (1 song, exercise the hole time)
- Imperial Walkers --> burpees on command
- 400M run