Six Years a BallBoy

AO: The Hooch

When: 2024-10-16

QIC: BallBoy

PAX (16): Angus, Animal, BallBoy, Boomer, Chesapeake, Dinghy, Fuzzy Dice, Half-Dozen, HIPAA - EPIC Story, Maguire, McCracken, Popper (Dan Richard), PuffDaddy, Scrooge, Spackle, Turk


A belated Six-year Manniversary for yours-truly and since I'm not that creative, this beatdown was sponsored by the number 6


A brisk morning in the low 40s so we got the blood flowing with...
  • SSH
  • Willie Mays Hayes
  • Weed Pickers
  • Tempo Mercans
  • Mountain Climbers
... and a mosey to the theater with some Karaoke along the way.

The Thang:

At the theater we found that we'd be dodging various red-tinged splatters on the pavement, presumably from a prior-night moviegoer's reaction to too much candy with that red Slushie. Enough clean pavement was available though so we stayed put.
YHC explained the simple-not-easy plan which included:
- 6 rounds
- First round, 6-count each of 6 exercises
- Mosey down the sidewalk and back between each round
- Subsequent rounds, add another set of the 6 exercises so last round ended with 6 sets
The 6 exercises were as follows:
-Lunges (sc)
-Jump Squats
-Wide Mercans
-Carolina Dry Docks
-Plank Jacks
With a few minutes remaining, we returned to the flag and circled up.
Everyone in plank position, went around the circle 2x with each PAX performing a Mike Tyson.
Went around another 2x with each PAX calling up (squat jump) or down (burpee).
Rounded out the last minute with Mercans until time was called.


Various prayers for loved ones' health and marriage situations. Upcoming ruck CSAUP at Nirvana (check Slack)

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Six years and going strong. So glad to be a part of this group!

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