The Strongman Relay Challenge

AO: Gladiator

When: 2024-10-15

QIC: Strong Arm

PAX (14): Bo Knows, Butterknife, Costanza (Nathan Baker), Darkside, defcon2, DREAMER, Hitchcock, Postal (Jeff McMichael), Slider, Spandex, Speedo, Strong Arm, Zohan, Brownie


Warning: This workout may cause involuntary grunting and unexpected gains.


Mosey to the closest soccer field and circle at the 25-yard line. 12 Side straddle hops, 12 Michael Phelps, 12 Copperhead Squats, 12 Weed Pickers, 12 Moroccan Night Clubs World's Greatest Stretch (on your own)

The Thang:

I lift things up and put them down! Instructions: Line up based on descending body weight and split into teams 5 stations: 7 minutes each with 30 seconds of rest/transition If you finish any station early, start over 10 points for completing all required exercises + 25 points for completing extras Station 1: 40 Piggy Back Squats + 200 Squats, + 200 Monkey Humpers Station 1 Extras: 50-Yard Lunges + 50-Yard Broad Jumps Station 2: 200 Deadlifts (135lbs) + 200 Bent Over Rows w/Cinder + 100 Shrugs w/Cinder In Each Hand + Run laps if not enough cinders Station 2 Extras: 80 Burpees Station 3: 200 Overhead Cinder Press + 200-Yard Overhead Cinder Carries + 120 Merkins (40 incline, 40 regular, 40 decline) Station 3 Extras: 100-Yard Bear Crawl Station 4: 200-Yard Farmer's Carry w/Cinder In Each Hand + 100-Yard Sandbag Toss + 200-Yard Wheel Barrels + 100-Yard Zurcher Carries Station 4 Extras: 80 Jump Squats + 80 Single Leg Deadlifts Station 5: 200 Cinder Curls + 200 Overhead Tricep Extensions w/Cinder + Two 100-Yard Sprints + 100 Big Boys + 80 Leg Throws + 60 Second Plank Station 5 Extras: 80 American Hammers + 50 V-Ups


2025 Q Sheet is open

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Note to self: 200 of anything is A LOT. Who knew?

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