We got wet…

AO: The Bridge

When: 2024-09-20

QIC: Humperdinck

PAX (11): Boardwalk, Boomer, Dinghy, Fuzzy Dice, Hackeysack, Potter (Matt Rowand), Scrooge, Stix, Utah, OG Utah


YHC had the Q on 9/13 but had a date with my wife the night before and Fuzzy Dice picked up the slack (thank you!). Moved on over to this week, made a plan and made it happen.


WP, Windmill, Moroccan Night Clubs, Finkle Swings, left over right & right over left hangs then SSH

The Thang:

Mosey'd to the pull up bars. Outlined the course of travel and explained the routine. In light of Roald Dahl's recent birthday and one of my favorite books, this is named Matilda. 6 rounds of Pull-ups (8), Carolina dry docks (16), Jump squats (24) Different MOT per leg. Leg 1 - Lunge walk Leg 2 - Reverse lunge walk Leg 3 - Lunge worm 10 mins left so we mosey'd over to the grass. After not listening to the wiser in the crowd who recommended we move over to the rubber, we did the following. Fire Drill - chop feet, PAX calls fire, stop, drop, roll to right then Merkin, roll left then Merkin and back on feet Global Warming - hold Al Gore and PAX calls out an exercise X10 until almost time and wrapped with 20x Pickle Pointers


Prayers for Fuzzy Dice making a decision with his job

Naked-Man Moleskin:

We may have gotten a little bit wet and needed an extra long shower to remove the grass but we had fun!

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