4 corners under the lights

AO: The Wreck

When: 2024-09-20

QIC: Sic’em

PAX (13): Blue, Bobber, Catheter, Cliff - Chris Noto, Dangle, Fourfiddy, Matt Shields-Norm, Missionary, rip, Sic’em, Sleeper, The Fifth, Roscoe


Good turnout for a Friday considering Alive in Roswell was Thursday night!


Mosey to the parking lot, SSH, Weed pickers, Imperial Walker/Hillbillies, Mountain Climbers, Michael Phelps

The Thang:

Head to the football field which was well lit due to stadium lights left on. 2 sets each corner alternating with partner running to midfield for 10 Merkins and back in between each set.  Corner rotation, back peddle endzones and side shuffle sidelines flipping at the 50 First Round Legs Corner 1- burpees, Corner 2-lunges, Corner 3- single leg RDL's, Corner 4 jump squats Second Round Core Corner 1- leg push downs, Corner 2- Big Boys, Corner 3- Planks, Corner 4 American Hammers Ended by pushing the 2 man blocking sled from goal line to goal line


Continue to fill up the Q sheet and reach out to someone that hasn't been out in a while and encourage them to get back out and join us next week.  

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Please keep drain holes family in your thoughts as they celebrate his late wife's birthday today!

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