I have to shave my hands before I can touch my wife

AO: Windjammer

When: 2024-09-13

QIC: False Start

PAX (11): Caroline, Cox, Deep dish, Dipstick, JH, Papercut, Sparkie, Townie, uga, Walkie Talkie


Don't ask me about the BB title, it named itself as I overheard a PAX saying this as we circled up to start the disclaimer.


Mosey to the dam for the following:
  • SSH x 42 (it was my birthday this week after all)
  • Hillbilly
  • Weed Picker
  • Townie Man Poopers
  • Arm Circles (Forward & Back)
  • Covids

The Thang:

The Thang #1 4 corners in the boat launch parking lot with 21 reps in each corner, Carioca between the long ways and burpee broad jumps the short ways :
  1. LBCs
  2. Flutter Kicks
  3. E2K one side
  4. E2K other side
Repeat the loop again. Mosey to the sports park. The Thang #2.1 Using the same partner wall sit while the other does 42 squats.  Repeat 3 times.  Wow, my quads hurt. Mosey to the rock pile. The Thang #2.2 Not enough coupons for everybody, so we keep pairs and did a modify 11s with AMRAP curls at 1 side and the other partner ran to the light pole for hand release merkins.  We did 3-9, which adds up to 42 :) Mosey back to the damn and did 21 monkey humpers on each end (adding up to 42 again).  Mosey back to the flag. We had 3 more minutes so we did a circle burp to 42 with the non-burpee PAX doing high knees.  Dang, 1 minute left, 10 Big Boys.  Ok, we're done.


Prayers for Justin, the man who was shot in downtown Alpharetta earlier this week.  Deep dish used to have Friday Cracker Barrel with him and now they have an empty seat in their group, crushing. Prayers for my work who announced a workforce reduction over the next few weeks. School of Rock on Mondays!  Be there or be errr....just be there!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Another trip around the sun.  Was reminded today that these are gifts, not givens.  We don't make big deals of birthdays in our family, but maybe we should.  Something to ponder until the next one comes around.  Thanks men for being there to support me and push me each and every day.  I'm eternally grateful. Oh, and Sparkie.....5 burpees! (Thanks for being a good sport!) Until next time!

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