Every Second Counts: IPC 2024 Week 1 (World’s Toughest 11’s) + North Park Loop Laps

AO: Norseman

When: 2024-09-12

QIC: Knight Rider

PAX (8): Cam's, DeLorean, DirtyMO, Ha-ha, muTTon, Slick, TP


YHC arrived early at the AO to set up cones, lighting, tunes, boards of pain, drop off a few spare  cinders / sandbags and cover a potentially painful ant pile. YHC decided for forgo the use of a perfectly good turf football field for the damp and grassy circle (sometimes deemed the Thunderdome) by the north-most softball fields.  The previous day's pre-blast announced the change in flag location and HCs were actually submitted this week. 30 yards were marked out via cones for the PAX. At least 1 pre-runner and 1 pre-rucker arrived pre 0500 and as the other PAX started rolling in everyone spread out  to picked their coupon + spot on the starting line.  It was time for IPC 2024 Week 1 at The Norseman. 0530 was called with a quick intro and disclaimer. No mosey, but a quick Warm Up. BD instructions were given, questions answered, demos provided and details given on what the PAX should do after finishing the IPC BD to make the full use of the 45 minutes. Timers + EMOM started, music started...burpees, thrusters, 11s and a lot of traversing commenced.


A quick Warm-O-Rama with a fast cadence was conducted prior to the BD instructions:
  • SSHs - 10
  • Weed Pickers - 10
  • Hillbillies - 10
  • Arm / Shoulder Circles - OYO

The Thang:

The Thang #1: IPC Week 1 (World's Toughest 11s)
  • 11s of Thrusters and Hand-Release Merkins with Varying Methods of 30 Yard back/forth Traverse
    • Buy-in of 3 Burpees to START, then begin the 11s
    • Perform 3 Burpees every time the EMOM timer (whistle) goes off EVERY 4 MINUTES
    • Methods of 30 Yard out / back traverse: (1) Bear Crawl, (2) Walking Lunge, (3) Burpee Broad Jump, (4) Run, (5) Murder Bunny/Reverse Murder Bunny...then repeat
Starting End Exercises 30 Yard Traverse Back End Exercises 30 Yard Traverse Back
10 Thrusters Bear Crawl 1 Hand-Release Merkin Bear Crawl
9 Thrusters Lunge 2 Hand-Release Merkins Lunge
8 Thrusters Burpee Broad Jump 3 Hand-Release Merkins Burpee Broad Jump
7 Thrusters Run 4 Hand-Release Merkins Run
6 Thrusters Murder Bunny 5 Hand-Release Merkins Reverse Murder Bunny
5 Thrusters Bear Crawl 6 Hand-Release Merkins Bear Crawl
4 Thrusters Lunge 7 Hand-Release Merkins Lunge
3 Thrusters Burpee Broad Jump 8 Hand-Release Merkins Burpee Broad Jump
2 Thrusters Run 9 Hand-Release Merkins Run
1 Thruster Murder Bunny 10 Hand-Release Merkins Reverse Murder Bunny
The Thang #2: North Park Loop Laps:
  • With the balance of time after the IPC Week 0 BD, take your coupon down to the parking lot and perform 5 thrusters (first round only)
  • Run toward the North Park Loop, take the right path at the fork
    • Stop at the first large lit up cone and perform 10 LBCs, then run to the next large lit up cone
    • Stop at the second large lit up cone and perform 10 Mountain climbers, then run back to the first first cone
  • Continue those laps around the loop until time is called.


  • Monday was Ha-Ha's 8 Year Anniversary in F3 (started at Hoppylike one day a week...now look at him...6 days a week...week in and week out..RESPECT - RESPECT)
  • Friday is YHC's 2 Year Anniversary in F3 - The 6th Man at COT this morning
  • Prayers for peace and wisdom to be better Fathers, Husbands, Sons, Brothers, Friends and Men
  • Prayers for those that lost their lives, sacrificed, served, suffered, or lost a loved one/friend on 9/11/01. May we never forget !!
  • Prayers for those affected by Hurricane Francine in Louisiana and surrounding areas

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always an honor and a privilege to lead. So 2 Years in F3. It has gone fast and been quite an experience. I've had some great adventures, had a few low points, and met some great men along the way. I would love to say that I'm at my top physical condition now since joining F3, but that was probably 11 months or so ago. Yet, unlike pre-F3...I'm not discouraged, but inspired as I know there is a path forward. Success will come with hard work. Build those guardrails to keep your divergence small and the journey is never over. Also there is more to F3 than the 1st F...though it helps drive the other Fs and make them possible. My 2nd and 3rd Fs are way up since joining F3...so I'll keep those plates spinning and I appreciate you all. SYITG !!!

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