Rock Around the Clock

AO: The Bridge

When: 2024-07-19

QIC: Irene

PAX (10): BallBoy, Birdie, Boomer, Chubbs (JT Thoms), Dinghy, Fuzzy Dice, Humperdinck, Potter (Matt Rowand), Photoshop


YHC is on a local tour of all AOs. I've set the goal of Qing at each JC and AC AO, so I'm knocking them out one-by-one. Today's special location was The Bridge, and even though YHC needed a DM reminder to post the call for pax, YHC threw together a decent BD idea.


Quick Mosey around the Fire and Stone building to the back parking lot. We were greated by a foul odor from the resident trashcan, so we knocked out a quick warm-o-rama of SSH, Willie Mayes Hayes, Imperial Walkers, Mountain Climbers, Monkey Arms, and Michael Phelps. Then we moseyed away from the stench and on to the main course.

The Thang:

In YHC's few visits to Peachtree Corners in the daylight, I've enjoyed the town green. So, recalling the circle surrounding the green, we "rocked around the clock." 12 cones were set up around the circle with the Stage as 12 and the opposite side as 6. Each cone represented an hour on the clock and each hour signified the rep count for the exercise. We started with 12 Plank Jacks, ran to 6 for single count Bonnie Blairs, ran back to 12 and planked for the six. After each lap we randomly selected a Pax who selected a new hour to add to our lap. Below are the exercises: 12 - Plank Jacks 1 - Absolution 2 - Lt. Dan (Lunge, Lunge, Squat) 3 - Kraken Burpees (3 HR merkins at the bottom) 4 - No Surrenders 5 - Heels to Heaven 6 - Bonnie Blairs 7 - Diamond Merkins 8 - sc Mountain Climbers 9 - alpha Fire Hydrants 10 - Bobby Hurleys 11 - Merkins YHC doesn't recall the order we added everything, but I do know the pax quickly picked out all of the Merkin varieties to make this an accidental mucho chesto. We finished our final lap with all exercises included right on schedule to mosey back to the flag for CoT.


Congratulations and Happy Birthday wishes were shared for Humperdinck finally turning 40! Prayers for Birdie as he travels to Indonesia for the first time in over 25 years to visit his father in the hospital. Prayers for Chubb's friend who has a child with dwarfism that is experiencing complications Prayers for the family of Nick Parker (36) (Irene's Friend) who passed away leaving behind a wife, son (7), and daughter (10). Tomorrow at Perimeter Church, 4 pm, there's a short ruck in support of Camp Kudzu. Afterwards, Feathers is hosting a party at his pool. HC if you're going to attend.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Thank you all of having me out. Jackalope and I were discussing at a beatdown that we love to get around and see all of the different AOs and enjoy the culture of F3 Alpha. It truly is a great experience to show up somewhere that you've never been and be welcome and have a good time.

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