Where it all started…

AO: Big Creek

When: 2024-07-17

QIC: Swiper

PAX (13): Cha-Ching, Corn Dog, Crab Cake, DirtyMO, Inseam, Mantooth, Mr. Hand, Relient, Snake, Snowman, Spit Valve, Swiper, Whiz


Big Creek was the second AO to spin off of the original Rubicon AO at Wills Park back in July of 2016 so YHC had to grab the Q for a walk down memory lane and to celebrate how far we've come!  Many PAX to thank along the journey that brought us here so let's celebrate the only way we know how!


Mosey to the parking lot by the track for warm ups, all IC: Willie Mays Hayes Good Mornings Toy Soldiers SSH

The Thang:

short mosey over to the track for some Spartans: Alternating length runs with a series of exercises at each stop: 5 Burpees 10 Star jumps 15 squats 20 LBCs 1st Run = Full lap around the track 2nd Run = 3/4 lap around the track 3rd run = 1/2 lap around the track 4th run = 1/4 lap around the track 5th run = 1/4 lap around the track 6th run = 1/2 lap 7th run = 3/4 lap 8th run = Full lap Mosey over to the benches for some AMRAP partner exercises: Partner A does 20 donkey kicks on the wall while partner B works on: 10 dips 10 Irkins 10 step ups Quick EH of a solo runner on the track by Whiz and then back to the flag


  • Praise for a successful launch event for F3 Cumming
  • Prayers for Snowman kicking off his series of interviews for a work promotion
  • Prayers for guidance as we lay out the initial strategic plan for F3 Cumming

Naked-Man Moleskin:

  • Props to Whiz for following his instinct and approaching a solo runner on the track at Big Creek who just looked like someone who would be a good fit for F3.  I once heard that life provides countless "Merry-go-round" experiences.  This describes times when we stand there and watch something like a merry-go-round go around in circles thinking about how we would like to jump on.  We know it is moving slowly enough for us to run up and get on if we want to but we don't work up the courage and often just end up walking away.
  • Gauntlet #1 - let's drop the bystander mentality and seize opportunities when we see them!  AYE!

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