Out and Back Wednesday Run

AO: Crossroads

When: 2024-07-17

QIC: Hollywood

PAX (4): El Matador, Hollywood, Mayhem, Soler


Nice group of HC's last night so no solo run this week.


No warm up we just run...

The Thang:

Nice and easy run straight down Mayfield all the way to Providence road.  We don't normally go that far so seemed like a longer stretch than usual.  Way back we took the long way through the school and ran into Bambi who finally found her way back into the woods around the fences.  then back home to finish off the run.


Prayers for El Matador as he is preaching Sunday at his church, Soler and his wife for an upcoming appointment for their soon to be newborn, and all kids at camps or families traveling for last minute summer vacations.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always a pleasure to get out and run with a great group of HIM's.  Nice work all.

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