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AO: The Wreck

When: 2024-07-08

QIC: Bear

PAX (14): Bear, Blue, Bobber, Catheter, Chowdah, Dangle, Mad Dog, Missionary, Moonshine, Password 123, Poli, Rooney- timlonergan, Scurvy, Switch


Realized I had the Q at 11PM night before so was unprepared and tired but all good!


mosey to playground for some warmup exercises

The Thang:

grab a rock and head to the base of the hill. Supersets at the bottom. run to the top and repeat. 4 sets of each superset.
  1. curls and Bent over rows
  2. shoulder press and front raises
  3. skull crushers and dips on the wall
mosey to playground and partner up. partner a does pull ups while partner b runs to the gate on the trail near the football fields. Repeat 2 rounds. mosey back to the flag for mary until time called.


Be praying for moonshine's niece Zoe.

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