Suicides, reps and moistness!

AO: Halo

When: 2024-07-03

QIC: Wideright

PAX (11): Abacus (Mark Green), Drain Hole, Jillian, Skol, Wideright, chipmunk, p trap, Britannica and Bolt


disclaimer and warm up IC 10x reps 5x exercises mosey to Old Halo parking lot and pick a lane

The Thang:

suicides 5, 10 and 15 reps up and down the ladder. rd1 - run/squats rd2 - Bernie sanders/squats rd3 - bunny hops/kung flus rd4 - lunges/star jumps rd5 - Bernie Sanders/jump squats rd6 - Bernie Sanders only all lines mosey to flag for "Thunderstruck" - star jumps. TIME!  


Brother Pope and his surgery Brother Matt for all brothers traveling and keeping numbers strong  

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