Where’s Hippa?

AO: Cropduster

When: 2024-07-25

QIC: Meatball

PAX (7): Animal, Credit Check, HIPAA, Humperdinck, Meatball, Spackle, Utah




Everyone warms up on there own and we start running right at 5:30

The Thang:

Layed out a 4.5 miles route down to the Greenway and back. Told the slower PAX that we would pick them up on the way back. We'll HIPPA decided to turn around early. We thought he might be in the turn around under the bridge. Animal was kind enough to go back around the other side and NO Hippa. Apparently he decided to turn around early. No worries we all meet up at the end and I circled back for Animal and we finished together.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Always an honor.

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