Sore Lats

AO: Gladiator

When: 2024-07-02

QIC: Butterknife

PAX (13): Bo Knows, Butterknife, Darkside, defcon2, DREAMER, Dutch Oven, Macbeth, Porkchop (Ryan Stackable), Snowbird, Spandex, Strong Arm, Tar Heel, Yokel


Don’t sue.


Mossie with cinders to upper parking lot. Side straddle hops copperhead squat windmills worlds greatest m Phelps

The Thang:

Partners Round 1 p1 burpees- 15, 10, 5 p2 pull up holds/negatives for duration of p1 burpees. Switch each set wheelbarrow walk length of parking lot   Round 2 p1-20 weighted squats 3x p2- 15 hanging leg raise 3x switch each set farmers carry weights length of parking lot   Round 3 p1/2- 100merkins and 50 chin ups combined run around parking lot   round 4 p1/2- 100 curls 100dips combined run around parking lot   rerurn to flag

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