New and Improved F3 Family Feud

AO: Big Creek

When: 2024-06-26

QIC: (Sundance) Jeff Ridgway

PAX (11): Benny, Cha-Ching, Corn Dog, Crab Cake, Hail Mary, Jiminy, Krystal, Mantooth, Schneider, Spit Valve, Whiz


Mosey to normal spot


Abe Vigoda (slow mo windmill)

Willie mays haystack



We will do these exercises in cadence

20 x Forward Arm Circles

20 x Backwards Arm Circles, hold,

20 x seal claps, hold,

20 x overhead claps.

Moroccan Night Club,

Albatross (flapping wings)

finish with 45 degree angle hold.

Michael Phelps

Now….grab a coupon and head to center of football field.

The Thang:

Family Feud  - new and improved

Let’s do a game of family feud.  Count off 1 and 2

Ones over here and twos over there.

The team must list their top 3 answers and the order of their answers as they run to opposite end zones and do 15 curls (or skull crushers) and return to midfield.  YHC does burpees and merkins on repeat until PAX return.

Highest points wins the round.

Tiebreak – 4, 5, 6th on list

Winning team : 10 merkins

Losing team : 10 burpees

  mixed up the punishment to keep it interesting and Indian Run back to flag

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