Long Distance Bear Crawl

AO: The Wreck

When: 2024-06-19

QIC: Missionary

PAX (19): Babble, Bobber, Chowdah, Cliff - Chris Noto, corky, Dr. Nemo, Fourfiddy, Juul, Mad Dog, Missionary, Miyagi, Mountain Mama, Raider, rip, Squatty (Scott Quesnel), The Fifth, Blade Runner…. Roscoe… Toto


Mosey to the playground for various stretches and jog a loop, for intro to the exercises…

The Thang:

  • At Playground
  • 1. 10 pullups
  • 2. 20 dips
  • Run to bottom of grass hill
  • 1. 30 LBCs
  • Run up grass hill
  • 1. 10 squats
  • Bear crawl across street and up Rec Drive
  • 1. Coupon- 20 curls
  • Run to back side of Rec
  • 1. 10 decline merkins on stone wall
  • Run around front of Rec entrance
  • 1. 10 burpees
  • Crab walk or Lunges down to the road
  • Run back to playground
  • Rinse and repeat


1. Prayers for Mountain’s wife, being married to him for 15 years today. 2. Prayers for Mountain’s family member with kidney stones 3. Prayers for Mad Dog’s interview today

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Today is Juneteenth, commemorating the end of slavery. May we remember those marginalized populations today. May we also not take for granted, and be grateful for the privilege and position we’ve been given.

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