Site Q Chat-n-Run

AO: Cropduster

When: 2024-06-13

QIC: BallBoy

PAX (7): BallBoy, Dipstick, HIPAA, Hollywood, Maguire, Meatball, Stroller


After some Slack chatting a few Site Qs came together at Cropduster to run and chat about how to grow their local AOs.  We were unfortunately short by one Shortcake... No out-and-back today so we would circle back for the Six as much as needed.


You so silly...

The Thang:

  1. Out to Kimball Br
  2. Left into Park Brooke
  3. Right at the T
  4. Right out to Old Milton
  5. Right on Kimball Br
  6. Left into Pinewalk first entrance
  7. Left at the T
  8. Next Left
  9. Straight through circle
  10. Right into the Pinewalk loop
  11. Left at the circle
  12. Left onto Ocee Park trail
  13. Right at the ball fields
  14. Back to parking lot


Prayers for marriages, Meatball's wife (car accident, job change), HIPAA's work presentation, BallBoy's M and 2.0 medical situations. Thankful for the Site Qs who keep this thing going and growing!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

As HIPAA said, this F3 thing is a great support for us all and in many different ways and circumstances. Thank you to all who lead, follow and EH others into joining us!

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