The intro of the Meghan Eckmans

AO: The Last Stand

When: 2024-06-12

QIC: Steamer

PAX (4): Jorts, Sparky, Steamer, Snooky


Meghan Eckman filmed and directed "The Parking Lot Movie" over a 4 year period... 2007-10. Her work inspired the creation of the Meghan Eckman suicides we did to begin.

The Thang:

June 12, 2024

Meghan Eckmans

Parking Lot suicide drills. 4 rounds, for each year filming. Increase suicides by quarter length increments. (Meghan Eckman directed The Parking Lot Movie, premiered in 2010)

Aiken Legs

Done in succession with no rest -- 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Lunges (10 each leg), 20 Split Jacks (10 each leg forward). Rinse and Repeated 6 rounds.

Alarm Clock

lie on ground- back of head and heels touching ground. Get up (as quickly as possible). Hop up. Rinse, repeat 10 times.


PAX, in a circle, hold standard 8x8x16 concrete blocks straight out in front of them while one PAX sets down his block to run inside the circle pressing down on the others blocks. The next PAX sets his block down as soon as the guy next to him has pressed on his block. Ends when the final PAX completes his lap.


Prayers for the Auten family, Prayers and praise for Drain Hole and his family, Prayers for Robert Talentino and his family and community, prayers and praise for Sparky  and his children, praise to Snooky for showing up on the road.

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