So many cars

AO: The Wreck

When: 2024-06-10

QIC: Zohan

PAX (19): Bear, Blue, Bobber, Bubbles, Dangle, Fanatic, Gutterball, Lincoln, Matt Shields-Norm, Missionary, Password 123, Poli, Sleeper, Squatty (Scott Quesnel), Zohan, Summit (FNG, 2.0), Mr. Burns (FNG), Nutmeg (2.0), Roscoe


After Meltdown's beatdown on Wednesday I was happy to see an empty spot at the QSheet. I might have Qed at The Wreck before, not sure, but if I ever did then it was several years ago. I didn't get a chance to stop by during the weekend to look around, but thanks to Google Maps I identified a nice hill and focused on that.


Full disclaimer given due to the FNGs. Mosey a short distance to a nearby parking lot. 2 sets of Bernie (run backwards) and Sprints across the parking lot. Circle up for SSH, Weed Pickers, Hillbillies, Monkey Arms and OYO arm circles.

The Thang:

The hill I had in mind started a few meters away and the road led up to another parking garage. There were several cars there, which is way more than I usually see in other AOs at this time of the morning. Called out 11s, starting with 10 Mucho Chesto at the top (10 regular merkins, 10 wide, 10 diamond, 10 stagger and 10 stagger), followed by 1 Captain Thor at the bottom of the hill (1 BBSU to 4 alpha count american hammers). PAX were instructed to do only the first 3 rounds and wait at the bottom. There were a lot of cars going up to that same parking lot. PAX were careful around them. The Mucho Chesto has been replaced with BLIMPS for the next 3 rounds. Captain Thor continues. Last 4 rounds the BLIMPS were replaces with H-BOMBS (similar to regular BOMBS but the Burpees and Merkins are Hand Release). Captain Thor continues. At about the bottom of the 8th round YHC called no more running and a couple minutes later we moseyed back to the flag for some nice Monkey Humpers.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Honored to lead! Thank you, guys!

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