
AO: The Last Stand

When: 2024-06-10

QIC: Jorts

PAX (4): Ballerina, Jorts, Pink Slip, Steamer

The Thang:

60 second wall sit

10 lunges in cadence

10 Bonnie Blair

10 step ups each leg

10 squats

10 lunges in cadence

10 Mary Catherine

10 step ups each leg

10 squats

60 second wall sit

Run a lap round the building

60 second plank

10 merkins

10 dips

10 Stone Mountain push ups

10 hand release merkins

10 merkins

10 dips

10 Stone Mountain push up

10 hand release merkins

60 second plank

Run a lap round the building

60 second bridge

10 leg raises

10 LBC

10 ankle grabbers

10 Freddie mercury

10 leg raises

10 LBC

10 ankle grabbers

10 Freddie mercury

60 second plank

Run a lap round the building

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