So We Played Beer Pong

AO: The Hooch

When: 2024-06-03

QIC: Feathers

PAX (22): Animal, BallBoy, Birdie, Boomer, Chesapeake, Dinghy, Flo, Half-Dozen, HIPAA, Humperdinck, Jetson, Maguire, Pigtails, Popper (Dan Richard), PuffDaddy, Spackle, Tater tot, Tenderfoot, Wolverine, Chop Shop, Utah (first one),


We had a pre-brew ruck BD at the Boneyard Friday, a brew ruck Saturday, so why not continue the theme (and recycle the playlist) for one more day.  Think of it as the after-party.


Mosey, SSH, Copperhead squats, weed pickers, moroccan nightclubs, chinooks.

The Thang:

Beer Pong. A table with six cups, partially filled with beer water, in a pyramid formation at each end.  Two ping pong balls. PAX split into two teams. Team one shoots until they either make a shot or miss four times. For each miss, the entire PAX (both teams) perform penalty exercises:
  • Miss 1 - 10 SSH
  • Miss 2 - 10 Squats
  • Miss 3 - 5 burpees
  • Miss 4 - Short lap, switch teams
For each hit, the throwing team performs one exercise, while the dunked team performs a different (harder) exercise.  Exercises performed depends upon which cup was hit:

Throwing Team                                                  Dunked Team

  • Cup 1:         20 Shoulder Taps  (Alpha)                               20 J Lo (Alpha)
  • Cup 2:        25 Freddie Mercury (Alpha)                            25 Crab Cakes (Alpha)
  • Cup 3:        50 LBC                                                                 50 Big Boys
  • Cup 4:        50 Pickle Pointers                                              50 Monkey Humpers
  • Cup 5:        50 Mountain Climber                                        5-count Mucho Chesto
  • Cup 6:        10 yard Lunge Walk                                          10-Yard Boo Boo Bear Crawl
Winning Team: Take a long victory lap Losing Team: Perform 25 Burpees    


Prayers for Ball Boy's M finding a solution, Birdie's Dad's travel, and Spackle's M.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Fun story: The local JC Police noticed a guy in shorty-shorts setting up red solo cups on a table in the middle of a parking lot at 5am, and stopped by to say Hi.  We had a good laugh.  "It's 5 0'clock somewhere - oh wait, it's 5 o'clock here"

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