Trying new things

AO: School Of Rock

When: 2024-05-29

QIC: False Start

PAX (4): Dipstick, Papercut, uga


I started to mosey and someone complained, so we moseyed about 5 parking spaces then did the following:
  • SSH
  • Weedpicker
  • Imperial Walker
  • Arm Circles Forward & Back
  • COVIDs
'Mosey' back to our cinders.

The Thang:

Start with a 4-corners with a rifle carry in between each corner:
  • Lat pullovers
  • Bentover Rows
  • Curls
  • Alpos / High Pulls
When we got back to the corner we said our calves hurt from Avis' BD yesterday, so we did calf raises to work out the flash: that didn't work. Repeat the four corners & calf raises 1 more time and then we're off to trying new things. New Thing #1: Bucket Brigade - This was passing a cinder up the stairs of the bleachers with the lower / upper PAX running to the front of the line each time they handed off.  Suffice to said it was a mess of an attempt given the handrails and narrow we did it again after we figured it out the first time. New Thing #2: CPRs - This is a single motion Curl, overhead Press, tricep Raise.  The first few were difficult trying to figure out how to hold the cinder, but we got the hang of it.  Do a few of those, rifle carry down the track with some flutters w/ a cinder.  Repeat again. We still had 3 more sets of stairs to go up, so we did them with 29 squats at the top, the number of exercises in the Alpha exicon when you search 'cinder.' A few mins left, so we had 1 PAX rifle carry while the rest of us did a core exercise. Done


Blood drive soon, maybe, someday.

Naked-Man Moleskin:

I pulled a couple new exercises from the Exicon today.  1 worked and 1 really didn't.  That's OK, we roll with the punches and laugh a little along the way.  It's all about trial and error and doing new things to push yourself and get out of your comfort zone. It's also nice to have a core group of guys that you can go back to after branching out and trying new things.  We hit up the country club on the way home and got to hear about Caroline steals people's buckets (but gives them back apparently) and joined in a round of coffee and chatter.  Great group of guys to start the day with. Until next time!

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