Birthday Four Corners, No Distractions

AO: The Hooch

When: 2024-05-29

QIC: BallBoy

PAX (23): Animal, BallBoy, Birdie, Boomer, Chesapeake, Cousin Eddie (Alejandro Ferrer), Feathers, Fireball, Half-Dozen, Harding, Homer (Andy Darnell), Humperdinck, Luau (120/200), Mater, McCracken, Meatball, Popper (Dan Richard), Spackle, Splinter, Tightrope, Utah, OG Utah, Dim Sum (FNG)


A belated Happy Birthday to yours-truly and thank you to Birdie for allowing me to Q since he got his birthday Q in at Black Widow on Saturday. No thanks to my college kids, home for the summer, who ensured that my speaker was not to be found so there would be no musical distractions!


Weed Pickers Windmills Imperial Walkers Hangovers Mountain Climbers

The Thang:

We moseyed to the bakery lot for an SSH for each year of BallBoy's existence (47), then continued to Homer's Donut. Homer himself being present we couldn't miss out on a chance to bear-crawl the donut. Afterwards, the PAX assembled at the corner of the square lot for instruction. YHC gave instructions for 4-Corners-style 21s with exercises in each corner followed by 6 Burpees in the middle after each round. Beginning with 21 reps in each corner, then 18 and descending by 3 reps each round. We had 4 friends in the four corners; Freddy, Mary, Dolly and Mike: Corner 1: Freddy Mercurys (Alpha) Corner 2: Mary Catherines (Superstar!) Corner 3: Dollys Corner 4: Mike Tysons Mary was done for the Six until YHC called time and we moseyed back to the bakery lot and circled up again for 47 Monkey Humpers. We returned to the flag and held (our legs) Six Inches until time was called.


Prayers needed for my grandfather (93) whose health is failing quickly and my mom who needs extra support.  Announcement: Brew-ruck Saturday leaving Apparition brewery in Sugar Hill at 12 noon (get there earlier than that if you need an 'appetizer'). Welcome to FNG "Dim Sum"!

Naked-Man Moleskin:

Coming up on 6 years in F3, it continues to be a blessing to me both physically and mentally. Been through some stuff through this time and this great group keeps me grounded and encouraged!

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